Typically a year has four seasons. It seems like I’ve been through about 10 this year, spiritually speaking.

I haven’t been blogging much lately, or writing much at all really, due to the fact that I’m now 27 weeks pregnant and working two part time (stress – free, hallelujah) jobs. God has blessed me with two positions that fulfill a great need right now financially and I know He has even bigger and better plans for us.

I’m running behind this morning but wanted to put this word of encouragement out there: Don’t give up.


Don’t give up.

Trust God. Trust His timing. Trust His process.

Keep pressing forward. Keep looking to your future no matter what things look like right now.

I promise He has a plan for your life, His Word says so.

It’s true there are times we can’t go on, not by ourselves. We need Him. He will carry us. We were never meant to carry the things of this world alone to begin with, that’s why He sent His Son.

Lean on Him and press in.

You are going to be alright. Not just alright, but you are going to be great. You are going to have an amazing testimony once everything you are going through is over and you are on to the next adventure.

God’s good. He’s listening. He’s watching. He’s preparing a way.


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